A Note From Our Founder
Replicraft plan sets are the result of a modeler of some 50 years becoming very displeased at the so-called "Master Plans" available.
“I decided if I cannot rely on the accuracy of existing plans I should make my own. But why do anything if you can't do it much better?” asks Jim Kiger.
I feel I have developed several plan sets that will never be equalled. I did my own research and used only the most authentic information available. Most of my plan sets are 100% from original factory drawings, construction and rigging manuals. On occasions where information was missing it was reverse-engineered from inspection and measurement of authentic WW1 aircraft. Indeed, these sets are the equivalent of having a full set of factory drawings with the number of full-scale replica’s built from Replicraft plans testament to that!
To my knowledge there is no other source to find drawings this accurate and this complete. I have never had a dissatisfied customer. On the contrary, I have lost count of the compliments about how beautiful the drawings are.
Continuing my legacy
At age 93, and after 13 planes and over 40 years of producing and selling plans, it is now time for me to hand over the business so that my legacy and my life’s work will continue to be available to future generations and aviation enthusiasts at a very reasonable cost.
I have thoroughly enjoyed supplying plans to aviation enthusiasts and aircraft builders and take pride every time I see a plane built from my plans whether it be full size, a static museum display or what started it all – a radio-controlled model. It is my hope, and belief, that all who purchase a set of my plans will benefit from and enjoy plans of the highest quality and detail.
I wish Craig, who has taken over the business and moved it to England, all the best.
Finally, I wish to say a huge, big, heartfelt thanks to the many, many friends I have made along the way. Blue skies.
Kind regards, Jim Kiger
Where are they now?
A number of planes have been built in various sizes and for various purposes from Replicraft plans over the years. Unfortunately, there is no complete record of this build activity and where the planes are today.
If you have built a plane from a Replicraft plan set - or know of one that was - please do contact us as we are interested in knowing more!
Have you built from Replicraft plans and found an error, omission or misleading figure?
If so, please contact us! We want to know!
We are aware there are a few errors but so far most of the builders we have spoken to have said they were minor and insignificant and obvious to note. Even so, it would be nice to know before time and money are spent fabricating the part.
We have started a little project to capture and document these issues. As and when new issues are discovered they will be made available to active builders. Please contact us if you are building and want to be included on this list.
Help Wanted - W.I.P.E.
W.ood - If you have any special contacts in relation to obtaining aircraft grade spruce, white ash, poplar, mahogany, etc at reasonable prices we'd love some help please.
I.nstruments - If you know of any WW1 instruments sitting in a cupboard or the back of a hanger, we'd love to know and see if we can get them back where they belong in a replica plane.
P.aperwork and plans - If you know of any early aviation plans or paperwork of any description (rigging manuals, plans, material specifications, etc) we'd love to know. We've had requests for plans and information in relation to: Albatross C.III and Curtis Robin for example.
E.ngines & guns - If you know of any collectors with WW1 engines or guns please do let us know.