Sheets: 12
Dimentions: Full-Size
Plans are printed on 33” x 80” (84cm x 203cm) sheets so that a 1/5 scale model can be built on the plans.
These plans were released in March 2008 and represent the most complete and accurate information you can get on the S.P.A.D. XIII from any single source. These plans were developed over five years from roughly 90% original factory drawings that were owned by the late Joseph Neito. They were discovered by Roger Freeman in a skip of items being cleared out when he came to pay his respect to Joseph’s widow.
All other details are from more than 1700 photos, copious notes and detailed sketches over many years by researchers and historians including Ellic Sommer and Alan Toelle. Without the assistance of these gentlemen this set of drawings would never have been possible. Note that it has, in Jim’s estimate, about twice the number of parts as the R.A.F. SE5a.
Years later Roger Freeman built a magnificent S.P.A.D. XIII for a customer using Replicraft plans. He is a true craftsman of the highest order. Some pictures of his work when it was almost completed are available on the internet here:
https://www.flickr.com/photos/landoni/2925190294/in/photostream/ https://www.flickr.com/photos/landoni/2925190290/in/photostream/ https://www.flickr.com/photos/landoni/2925190288/in/photostream/ https://www.flickr.com/photos/landoni/2925190282/in/photostream/